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Recreational Fishing

Fisherman on the beach - Sydney
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
For fishing in the NSW waters you need a licence. You can purchase a licence for one month, one year, or 3 years from the NSW Department of Primary Industries website.

Fish caught in NSW waters is subject to size restrictions. Please check with the NSW Department of Primary Industries what are the legal restrictions to make sure you are not infringing the state laws. See the NSW Department of Primary Industries website.

Sydney Harbour

Recent tests made to determine the levels of dioxins in fish across the Harbour has shown levels above the ones considered healthy for human consumption. As a result commercial fishing is as a precautionary measure. This measure remains in effect until 9 Feb 2011.

Recreational fishing in the Harbour has not been banned, but fishers are urged to follow dietary advice on the consumption of seafood from the Harbour and to be aware of existing fishing restrictions.

An expert panel has recommended that fish and crustaceans caught west of the Sydney Harbour Bridge should not be eaten and the ones caught east of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, you should not eat more than 150 grams/month.

Fish Aggregating Devices - FADs

The NSW Department of Primary Industries installs Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) along the NSW coast between September and June. The FADs are providing better fishing for recreational sport creating an alternative to the natural fishing grounds. For more details visit the NSW Department of Primary Industries website.
19 April
1818 - Phillip Parker King discovers Port Essington, it becomes the site of one of several failed attempts to establish a settlement in the Northern Territory.

1984 - Advance Australia Fair is proclaimed as Australia's national anthem, and green and gold as the national colours.
Australian slang
  • crack a fat get an erection
  • battler someone working hard for little money
  • handle beer glass with a handle
  • corker something excellent
  • block, do your get angry
  • dunny outside un-sewered toilet
  • metho methylated spirits
  • chewie chewing gum
  • captain Cook look
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