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Parkes Radio Telescope

about ...

The Parkes Radiothermal Telescope, completed in 1961, was the brainchild of E.G. (Taffy) Bowen, from CSIRO's Radiophysics Laboratory.
Parkes Radio Telescope
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
From the size point of view, the Parkes Radio Telescope is ranked second after the one located at Tidbinbilla (70m).

Parkes Radio Telescope has major contributions to the study of quasars, pulsars, molecules in space and discovered a new arm in the Local Galaxy. Traked spacecraft, searces for extraterestrial intelligence, and much more.

specifications ...

Parkes Radio Telescope
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
  • Dish diameter: 64m
  • Dish area: 3216m2
  • Focal length: 27.4m
  • Weight: 1000t
  • Max tilt: 60°
  • Time for 360° revolution: 15min
  • Max wind speed: 35km/h
  • Mount: altazimuth
  • Pointing Accuracy: 11arcsec
  • Surface Accuracy: 1-2mm

tourist information ...

Parkes Radio Telescope
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
How to get there
There is no public transport available, therefore a private car is the only option. See map.

Contact details:
Phone: +61 2 6861 1777

Vistor's Center:
Open: 8.30 am to 4.15 pm every day except Christmas and Boxing Days

Relevant links:
Australia Telescope Outreach and Education.
02 November
1898 - George Goyder died, English-born surveyor-general of South Australia (b. 1826)

1922 - QANTAS begins its first scheduled flights, between Charleville, Queensland and Cloncurry, Queensland.
Australian slang
  • budgie smugglers men's swimsuit
  • wowser prude/puritan person
  • dog's eye meat pie
  • brizzie Brisbane
  • yowie the Australian version of Yeti
  • Clayton's fake, alternative
  • groper West Australian
  • bluey bluebottle jellyfish
  • blowie blow fly
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