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Christmas in Sydney
25-th of December

about ...

Christmas at Mayer shop
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
While Sydney is a multicultural city, embracing people from many religions, the majority of people are Christians. For this reason, in Australia, Christmas and Easter are declared public holidays.

Christmas is that day of the year, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a festive season, with the shops and the city decorated with traditional Christmas symbols.

Christmas on a street in Sydney
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
If you come from Europe or North America, maybe you are used to have a White Christmas with snow and low temperatures, but here in Sydney Australia, is summer.

Traditionally Christmas in Australia, and Sydney in particular, means Santa on a surfboard, cold drinks around the pool, BBQ parties in bikinis, outdoor picnics, festivals and lots of fireworks.

A lot of young people, especially from England, are coming to Sydney to celebrate Christmas and New Year on Bondi Beach.

Do not forget. The Sunday before Christmas (25th of December) there is a big event organized to celebrate Christmas, called Carols in the Domain.


Like everywhere in the world where Christmas is celebrated, shops and venues have special programs and opening hours. Please check before you decide to visit some place.

tourist information ...

How to get there
You can't get simpler than that. Christmas is everywhere....

Contact details:
Santa, North Pole

Hours of Operation:
For this occasion there are two public holidays: Christmas on the 25th of December, and Boxing Day on the 26th of December.
14 September
1796 - Governor Hunter complains to the Colonial Secretary of Macarthur's behaviour.

1957 - The British nuclear tests at Maralinga enter their second phase as Operation Antler begins, these are the last British tests on mainland Australia.
Australian slang
  • root have sex
  • jug kettle
  • VB brand of beer (Victoria Bitter)
  • ripper great, fantastic
  • liquid laugh vomit
  • spunky hot/sexy person
  • a pop each
  • pozzy position,seat
  • porky lie, untruth
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