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Sydney Maritime Museum

about ...

Sydney Maritime Museum
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
The Australian National Maritime Museum presents Australia's naval history from the ancient times when Aboriginal people, used to trap fish and traded it with the Asian neighbors, right up to the modern time.

You can board on a real submarine, a real destroyer or on Captain Cook's Endeavor replica.

There are also hands-on exhibits, a cinema and the latest museum computer games.

Also on display is Australia II, winner of the 1983 America's Cup; the famous World War II commando boat Krait; a Vietnamese refugee boat and many more...

Maybe not the best value for money, Australian Maritime Museum will help you understand better the Australian history.

tourist information ...

Sydney Maritime Museum
©2006 Gabriel Ditu
How to get there
Public transport to Town Hall Station and walk towards Pyrmont Bridge in Darling Harbour, or if you have too much money, you can catch the Sydney Monorail from Townhall to Darling Harbour. See map.

Contact details:
2 Murray Street
Darling Harbour Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: 61 (0)2 9298 3777
Web site: Australian Maritime Museum - Sydney

Hours of Operation:
Standard opening hours are 9.30 AM to 5.00 PM daily seven days a week. Closed on Christmas Day only.
27 July
2005 - After 10 years in power Bob Carr resigns as Premier of New South Wales and is replaced by Morris Iemma on August 3.
Australian slang
  • sunbake sunbathe
  • noodling digging for opals
  • Abo derogatory appellative for Aboriginal
  • strine Australian slang
  • pig's arse I don't agree, bull shit
  • vertical smile vagina
  • bloody oath that's certainly true
  • skimpy revealing clothes
  • shout to buy a round of drinks
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